
Welcome to
Fat Pig Club NFTs

Items: 1150 NFTs      |      Floor Price: *****

  • NCSClub Cover
    NCSClub Cover


    FatPigClub is an nft project born on the first of February. Beyond the objectives written in the roadmap, that you can see below this section, there are others such as forging collaboration with various brands in the tech and gaming sector.

    NCSClub Cover
    NCSClub Cover


    10% Sold:
    Giveaway 2 FPC NFTs - 1 T-shirt FatPigClub
    35% Sold:
    Giveaway 0.1 ETH - Giveaway 3 FPC NFTs -Giveaway 5 t-shirt
    50% Sold:
    Start develop MetaFarm - Giveaway 3 FPC NFTs - Giveaway 0.2 eth + Giveaway 10 t-shirt
    75% Sold:
    First MetaFarm spoiler - Giveaway 3 nft + Giveaway 0.2 eth + 5 T-shirt
    100% Sold:
    MetaFarm release countdown

    NCSClub Cover
    NCSClub Cover


    Fat Pig Club as well as being an NFTs project is a community, where members can socialize with other members, where they can ask for any kind of advice in the NFT/CRYPTO context. Our aim is to build a Strong community that can support the project in the long-term! The owners of a Fat Pig will have various privileges such as:

    - Access to the private club of the discord

    - Opportunity to participate in numerous giveaways and events

    - They will be able to play the exclusive mobile games created by the developers of the collection

    - Take advantage of the benefits obtained from partner-ships with tech and gaming companies

    - Will be able to buy the official merch "Fat Pig Club"

    - Possibility to enter the Meta Farm